Network Rail Bridge Data

Detailed information of bridges, viaducts and culverts that intersect Network Rail infrastructure

Find a bridge by ID or number

Display details of a bridge using its ELR and identification or bridge number. Details of how to find this information is displayed in the images below.

Find a bridge using ELR & mileage

Find a bridge by an ELR and mileage. A search can be conducted using either miles & chains or miles & yards.

List all bridges on a line

To view an interactive list of all bridges on a particular line, simply enter a 3 or 4 character Engineers Line Reference in the box below, and click submit.

Not sure where to start?

If you're unsure where to start, why not head to the line file pages, where it is possible to search for lines in your local area. From here, there are links to all bridges on your chosen line.

Another way to find reference and mileage information is to consult a bridge plate, a few examples of which, are shown in the images below.