Crossing Overview (2)
Asset Name: Church Lane . . . Asset Type: Level Crossing
Sub-type: Private User worked Crossing with Telephone
Inspection Details (2)
Last Inspection: October 2018
Line Speed: 60 mph
. . .Type of Trains: Passenger & Freight
Predicted Usage: 1 Vehicle
15 Pedestrians or Cyclists
Trains Per Day (approx.): 72
Key Risks:
- - -* Low Sighting Time
- - -* Large Numbers of Users
- - -* Sun Glare
- - -* Frequent Trains
Protection Arrangements: - - -* Telephones provided for vehicle users
- - -* Gates or Barriers
- - -* Signage
Individual Risk: | C |
- - - |
Collective Risk: | 4 |
what does this mean?
Location Details (2)
District: Stallingborough CP
Railway Location: 104m 21ch. / 104m 0456yds.
Railway Location (rounded): 104.26 miles / 167.79Km