RailwayData | Level Crossing - Thorpe Salvin No.2 [MAC3]

Thorpe Salvin No.2

Crossing Overview

Asset Name: Thorpe Salvin No.2 . . . Asset Type: Level Crossing
Sub-type: Public Footpath or Bridleway Crossing with Telephone with Whistleboards

Inspection Details

Last Inspection: November 2019
Line Speed: 60 mph. . .Type of Trains: Passenger & Freight
Predicted Usage: Infrequent vehicular use 14 Pedestrians or Cyclists
Trains Per Day (approx.): 70
Key Risks:
- - -* Low Sighting Time
- - -* Large Numbers of Users
- - -* Sun Glare
- - -* Frequent Trains
Protection Arrangements:
- - -* Telephones provided for Equestrian users
- - -* Gates
- - -* Signage
- - -* Whistle boards provided on the rail approaches - train horn audible warning given (06:00 to 23:59)

Individual Risk:C - - - Collective Risk:6
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Location Details

Railway Location:
052m 21ch. / 052m 0463yds.
Railway Location (rounded):
52.26 miles / 84.11Km
District: Thorpe Salvin CP